Hey everyone...
As you know we are less than a week away from the launch of WWE '13, hitting state side this Tuesday...October 30th!
Last year after my initial review for the game (which I will do again this year) I used this blog to dive into my favorite mode in the WWE Games franchise...
Universe mode!
Over the course of months I picked apart that mode, with what I liked, what I didn't like. What I hated, what I wanted to see changed. etc...etc...
From what I've read this year with Universe 3.0 it seems like a majority of my complaints have been addressed and I couldn't be happier! But no mode is ever perfect, I know it, THQ knows it, and you the WWE Games Universe knows it.
So once again I will embarking on yet another Universe adventure, and to borrow a bad pun from WWE '12, it will be...
Stay tuned for more information coming in November and my review of WWE '13 either at the end of this month or early November. Thanks for reading, and as always...
As last year, I'll be following your adventure with the mode and like I mentioned earlier I'm gonna try and get more out of the mode this year as well. :)